Quotations & Tenders

Air Ticket Quotations - June 6, 2018

RCSC/AFS (28) 2017-2018/                                                                                                                    June 6, 2018

                       Sub: Air Ticket Quotations


The RCSC Secretariat is pleased to invite sealed bids from the eligible license holders for the supply of air tickets via the most direct routes from the following sector. Read more..

Air Ticket Quotations - June 5, 2018

RCSC/AFS (28) 2017-2018/                                                                                                                         June 5, 2018


Sub: Air Ticket Quotations


The RCSC Secretariat is pleased to invite sealed bids from the eligible license holders for the supply of air tickets via the most direct routes from the following sector.

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Invitation of Sealed Quotation - May 30, 2018

The Secretariat of the Royal Civil Service Commission would like to invite sealed bids from the eligible Hotel/Restaurant & Caterers with valid trade license from Paro, for conducting evaluation Camp and official meeting for the financial year 2018-2019.

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Air Ticket Quotations - May 24, 2018

RCSC/AFS (28) 2017-2018/ May 24, 2018

Sub: Air Ticket Quotations

The RCSC Secretariat is pleased to invite sealed bids from the eligible license holders for the supply of air tickets via the most direct routes from the following sector.

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Re-Tender for Document Management and Digital Archiving System - May 17, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) invites sealed quotation from the eligible Bhutanese license holders for the Supply, installation and customization of the following software and hardware:Notice Inviting Tender and Standard Request for Proposal

Tender for Document Management & Digital Archiving System and related equipment - March 30, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission invites sealed quotation from the eligible Bhutanese license holders for the supply, installation and customization of “Document Management & Digital Archiving System” and supply of related equipment.

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