Executive Transferred - May 28, 2015

Dorji Tshering, Director (EX3 A), Royal Civil Service Commission has been transferred as the Director (EX3 A) for Department of Occupational Standards, Ministry of Labour & Human Resources, with immediate effect.

Transfer of Executives - May 13, 2015

As per section 73 of the Civil Service Act of Bhutan, 2010, the following transfer will take effect from May 13th, 2015:
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Change in timing for session on Civil Services Reforms to be held on 14th May 2015 for P1 Officer - May 13, 2015

To all those participating in the program, please note the following change in the timing:

Registration: 8:30 AM
Program Start: 9:00 AM
Program End: 3:30 PM

2015-16 ITEC Programmes - April 23, 2015

The RCSC is pleased to inform that the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India has announced the ITEC Programmes to be conducted in 2015-16.
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Appointed – Cabinet Secretary - April 10, 2015

As per Article 2 Section 19(m) of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan, His Majesty the King has appointed Kinzang Wangdi, Secretary General, National Assembly as the Cabinet Secretary w.e.f. 6th day of the 2nd month of the Bhutanese Calendar 2015.

Appointed – Trongsa Dzongdag - April 10, 2015

As per Article 2 Section 19(q) of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan, His Majesty the King has appointed Sonam Rinchen, Director, Department of Occupational Standard, Ministry of Labour and Human Resources as the Dzongdag, Trongsa Dzongkhag w.e.f. 12th day of the 1st month of the Bhutanese Calendar 2015.