- The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to announce the following details regarding the Preliminary Examination of the Bhutan Civil Service Examination 2017:
- Schedule:
Date : August 06, 2017 (Sunday)
Reporting Time : 9.00 AM
Examination Start Time : 9.30 AM
Examination Venue : Click Here
Conduct of candidate : Click Here
e-Registration Statistics : Click Here
Materials required for the Preliminary Examination:
Candidates are required to bring the following:
E-Admit card;
Put up File (should not have any writings/inscriptions on it);
Pencil (recommend ‘Apsara Platinum Extra Dark Pencil’);
Sharpener & Eraser;
Calculator (fx 100 and below).
Candidates without photo on the e-Admit card are required to produce original Citizenship Identity Card during the examination.
The candidates are urged to refer video tutorial on the procedures to use OMR Answer Sheet for the PE, available on our website http://bcse.rcsc.gov.bt/omr_video.asp. Invalidation of Answer Sheet due to incomplete/incorrect filling of the Answer Sheet will be the sole responsibility of the candidate.
No personal belongings, including mobile phones would be allowed into the examination hall/room. Therefore, candidates are requested not to bring such belongings. RCSC shall not be responsible in the event of loss of such belongings.
Declaration of the P.E. Result – August 24, 2017.
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