Executive Selection Result- July 19, 2024 - July 19, 2024

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Executive Vacancy Announcement - July 11, 2024

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the following executive vacancy: Read More

Director for DPP, MoF Selected. - April 10, 2024

Ms. Rinzin Lhamo,  Asst. Auditor General, Policy and Planning Division, Royal Audit Authority is selected as the Director for the Department of Procurement and Properties, MoF through an open competitive selection interview  held on April 5, 2024.

Re announcement of Executive Position - December 14, 2023

The RCSC is pleased to re-announce Executive vacancy.

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Executive Selection Result - September 11, 2023

Please click here for details

Executives Selected through an Open Competitive Selection Process - March 21, 2023

Following executives were selected through an open competitive selection process: Read More: