Executive Vacancy Announcement - December 1, 2015

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the Executive vacancies for Gelephu Thromde & Bhutan Medical Health Council. Read more..

Shortlisted Applicants for Executive Secretary, Thimphu Thromde - October 19, 2015

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce that ten (10) applicants are shortlisted for the post of Executive Secretary, Thimphu Thromde. Results of shortlisting are notified through email. Read more..

Selection Result for the Post of Director, National Commission for Women and Children - October 5, 2015

Kunzang Lhamu (EID No. 9407087), Chief Research Officer, Gross National Happiness Commission  has been selected as the Director (EX3A) for National Commission for Women and Children through an open competition selection procedure held on September 18, 2015. Read more..

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT…. - September 30, 2015

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the following vacancy for in-service civil servant:
Position Title : Executive Secretary
Position Level : EX3 A
Minimum Qualification required : Bachelors Degree
Agency : Thimphu Thromde

Read more..

Executives Separated…. - September 1, 2015

Upon the appointment of Jamtsho (EID No. 9306015) Joint Auditor General, Royal Audit Authority as the Commissioner for the Anti Corruption Commission, he is hereby separated from the civil service Read more..

Executives Separated…. - September 1, 2015

Upon the appointment of Tshering Kezang (EID No. 8905023) Dzongdag, Dzongkhag Administration, Pemagatshel as the Auditor General, Royal Audit Authority, he is hereby separated from the civil service Read more..