Matsumae International Foundation Research Fellowship Program (2016) - December 11, 2014

The Royal Civil Service Commission would to inform that the Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) in Japan is providing Postdoctoral Fellowships for 3-6 months from April 2016 to March 2017 on a competitive basis. Read more..

Director for the Department of Medical Services and Health Infrastructure, Ministry of Health selected - December 10, 2014

The RCSC is pleased to inform that vide the selection interview held on November 26, 2014, Sonam Jamtsho (9306020), Regional Director, Phuntsholing Regional Offices, Department of Revenue and Custom, Read more..

Secondment to Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Office - December 10, 2014

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the following position on secondment for the Civil Servants in Position level P3 A and above Read more..

Nehru-Wangchuck Scholarship - December 8, 2014

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the availability of 5 slots of Scholarship under the Nehru-Wangchuck Scholarship for 2015-16 intake as in the following:
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Press Release on Nehru Wangchuck Scholarship - December 5, 2014

The Nehru-Wangchuck Scholarship was instituted on 19 June, 2009 with the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB) and the Government of India (GoI) Read more..

Air Ticket Quotations - December 3, 2014

RCSC/Adm. (36) 2014-2015/

The RCSC Secretariat invites sealed quotations from the registered Travel Agents for providing Air ticket of most direct and economic routes from the following sectors on the given dates: Read more..