Notification - November 10, 2021

The Royal Civil Service Commission has considered welfare as equally important as health and safety for civil servants and initiated the Civil Servant’s Welfare Scheme(CSWS) on 15th November, 2015 Read More:

Notification - October 29, 2021

Amendment of Section of the BCSR2018

As provisioned in Section 3.3.24 of the BCSR2018, “A civil servant is in principle on official duty for twenty four hours a day and seven days a week and is accordingly paid for and, as such, is liable for call to duty anytime. Read More:

Notification - October 25, 2021

The Royal Civil Service Commission during its 112th Commission meeting held on October 20, 2021 has decided to amend Section 13.4 (b) of the BCSR 2018 under promotion through open competition. Read More:

Re-announcement of SDGs Global Leadership Program under JICA Knowledge Co-creation Program Funding - October 21, 2021

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to re-announce the availability of scholarship (1 slot) for eligible Bhutanese to pursue relevant post graduate courses in Japan under Government of Japan/JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (KCCP) funding for JFY 2021-2023 read more

BCSE 2021: Main Examination details - October 19, 2021

The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to announce the following details regarding the Main Examination of the Bhutan Civil Service Examination 2021: Read More:

“Shortlist for the Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship by Japanese Grant Aid” - October 13, 2021

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the scholarship under the Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship by Japanese Grant Aid (JDS) 2022 funding read more